Setting Yourself Up for Success: The 30-60-90 Approach for New Executives

With today’s technology driving rapid access to data and real-time performance tracking, executives face greater pressure to not only meet but exceed their predecessors’ results. This technology heightens expectations for faster decision-making and higher efficiency. Where new executives used to have up to multiple quarters to acclimate and deliver results, today’s transitioning C-suit has around 90 days to make a splash and not much more to stick the landing. Often, the measured success and failures during this time do not come from lack of trying but from difficulty assimilating to the new company culture. It’s difficult for leaders to join a new organization and hit the ground running without coming in “too hot.” The Harvard Business Review’s Dan Ciampa said it exceptionally well, “Most new leaders fail not because their financial or operational abilities are inadequate but because their style or political skills render them unprepared to manage the organization’s culture.” We couldn’t agree more. To help executives have the best chance, we coach transitioning executives on the 30-60-90-day method.

What is the 30-60-90 Day Method?

The 30-60-90-day method is a plan to help executives map their transition in the most productive way. It prioritizes meeting numbers and assimilating company culture to lead effectively. Developing this type of plan empowers new leaders and increases their chances of success.

Demonstrate- Day 1

The most important task on the first day is to set the tone.  The way you present yourself conveys a powerful message.  It is essential to establish a rapport with all employees on the first day.

Discover- Days 2 to 30

This phase of your plan is about knowing the people and challenges to validate your primary strategic goal.  This is when you meet new people and begin to form ties with important members of the organization with whom you will work in the future.  The first 30 days are all about listening, learning, and laying the groundwork for what you aim to accomplish.

Decide- Days 31 to 60

This phase of your plan is when you are likely to make some substantial moves with people and projects.  Determine how goals are communicated to your team and where each member is in terms of attaining their objectives

Deliver- Days 61-90

This phase of your plan is a combination of execution and long-term planning.  You will now have the knowledge and familiarity with individuals, teams and departments that will allow you to find partnerships and understand where there may be potential for new ideas or changes with more clarity.

Setting the tone from the beginning is critical as you move into your new role. Make sure you are setting the right tone by meeting with an outside source and developing a thorough plan to accomplish everything you’ve set your mind to. To learn more about our 30-60-90 day plan, executive coaching services or career transition services, contact us today!

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Post by AJO

Founded on core family values and a commitment to building strong, long-lasting partnerships, AJO approaches its work with confidence and expertise that only comes with over 40 years in the business. Working with companies of all sizes, needs and budgets, AJO develops high-performing teams and global leaders for organizational success.