What Differentiates RESERO From Other Coaching Programs
RESERO is a Level 2 ICF Accredited coaching education program. It equips graduates with the academic requirements mandated by the ICF to become an associate certified coach or a professional certified coach.
The ICF accreditation sets the standard for creditable coaching and gives coaches something to measure themselves against. Coaches at the beginning of their careers benefit most from ICF accreditations.
Whether you’re new to the field or a veteran, RESERO will help you build the skills necessary to become a better coach and a well-rounded person. This program takes students to the next level, no matter where they are in their careers. Its deeper approach to coaching makes it different from other coaching accreditation programs.
What Distinguishes World-class Coaches From The Rest? RESERO
What distinguishes a world-class coach from a good coach is their ability to unlock personal restraints and be open with themselves so they can coach more effectively. AJO and Kaveh Naficy named this coaching education program RESERO because it is the Latin word for unlock. In the RESERO program, we help you unlock self-awareness, intuition, and sustained insights for yourself, your organization(s), and those you coach.
This program is different from other coaching programs because it focuses on the coach’s presence, it’s an in-person experience, It focuses on the concept of Big I Little Me, and it dives into the process of unlearning.
Coach Presence: The Foundational Roots of RESERO
Presence is the foundational building block of the RESERO program. Unlike other coaching programs, RESERO focuses on helping instructors learn how to be present with their clients. This skill allows coaches to coach their clients through underlying emotions instead of mechanically going through a presentation.
At RESERO, coaches learn how to gauge their audience, be open and genuine, and find long-term solutions to root causes. In a nutshell, this program helps coaches discover how to help their clients feel comfortable inviting them into the conversations they only have with themselves. When done correctly, this approach provides a richer experience for your clients, which increases your value to them and referrals for you.
Not a Zoom Program: An Experiential In-person Intervention
Many Coaching and ICF Accreditation programs have shifted to virtual sessions. While convenient, online meetings don’t allow the instructors to observe you as well as an in-person experience. The RESERO program is an in-person experiential intervention.
Participants come to the AJO office in Parsippany, New Jersey, 2-3 days a month over six months. During these in-person sessions, we help you own up to any emotional baggage and personal hold-ups so you can better coach others through their struggles. The skills taught are also practiced in these sessions so we can help you see areas of improvement. Between these in-person sessions, participants practice and receive feedback on what they learned.
Big I Little Me
Another difference between RESERO and other coaching programs is our focus on the Big I Little Me concept. Little Me is the different selves we each experience in life, such as being a neighbor, coworker, child, parent, or student.
To be an effective coach, you need to learn how to get out of playing the performer role and switch to the observer role so you can listen to others and embody the big I for them so they can see themselves more clearly.
Neurology of the Brain and Unlearning
Lastly, the RESERO program focuses on the neurology of the brain. It helps participants learn how to unlearn habits holding them back so they can embody the concepts. Unlearning takes more work than memorizing terms to pass an exam. It means slowing down and practicing the concepts until they become your default reaction. What A Student Needs to Be Successful in RESERO
Students who experience the most success with the RESERO program have a growth mindset, care about others, and demonstrate perseverance.
Growth and Learning Mindset
To be successful, RESERO participants need a willingness to look at things differently and consider new ideas. This program is more difficult for individuals who struggle with change and pushback.
A Desire to Deeply Care About Other People
This program is for those who want to care more deeply about the people they work with. It helps them develop the skills necessary to become a student in learning about their clients as individuals with unique struggles.
Perseverance: Practice, Practice, Practice
This program is not for the faint of heart. Participants who put the time and energy into practicing the skills taught until they become their natural go-to reactions will experience more fulfillment from this program.
If you want to take your coaching skills to the next level, RESERO is for you. For more information, please watch the on-demand webinar and sign up today to join our next session of coaching classes and become a better version of yourself.
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